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Listen Weekly to Inside The Cave Podcast.  Chicago’s #1 Podcast since 2015. Inside The Cave is now available on Indie Central Radio, LIVE every Friday from 12pm-3pm Central.

Dec 2, 2017

On this weeks episode we invite a member from our Inside The Cave Podcast Facebook group, Verletta who sells health products for men and women. One of the products she sells is for male enhancement and she discusses how these products are doing amazing things for sexually active consenting adults. CB tells a story about his experience with Gas Station Dick Pills and how they DONT work and Verletta explains how her products are totally different. Verletta also sticks around to answer the all important CAVE CRUSH QUESTIONS and scored an A before discussing getting busy in a Burger King bathroom with Ced. Before the interview we play our weekly game of YOU GOT 30 secs, Big Dawg gives a Kill YaSelf and Start Over to all the people recording the Slave trade but not doing anything about it. Roland calls out an issue in his community with a Beauty Supply Store and buying Black. Then Slys question of the day for the ladies,Is it okay to take a crap in front of your man? Check out Verletta products at Email us tweet us @CaveCrush or DM us on Instagram @Insidethecave